Simple Blogging Platform

Write blog and publish it on the Web. Stay focused, and create high-quality content. Own stuff you write. We're here to help with everything else.

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Hello Everyone! 2024/Aug/31 by haze

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We build tools, widgets and features that help you write. We keep is simple, fast and secure, so that the platform remains to be easy to use.


Designed with speed in mind. We removed unnecessary graphics, icons, images. Wordmogul loads quickly on weak Internet connections.


Simple editor that doesn't distract. Write Markdown and instantly get preview of the look of your content.

Open Formats

Your data is stored in the format you write it it. Easy in, easy out. Reuse what you write many times. No vendor lock-in


Backup is available anytime. Just download the ZIP file. Resulting directory is full of your Markdown files, theme, and is ready to render locally if you want.

Post scheduling

Write and schedule posts in advance. You can write more articles before leaving for vacation, and keep releasing content at your usual cadence.

Custom domain

Publish your stuff under your own custom domain. Benefit from Wordmogul's editing and publishing capabilities while retaining the power of your own brand. We take care of the data hosting.


Use tags to organize your content. Allows you to find your posts fast.

Post statistics

Understand your post's popularity by seeing read counts. This gives you an insight into what your users value most.

PDF generation

We render PDF for each of your posts. Like high-quality typography? Convenience of annotating the content you read? Reading offline? Printing? PDF feature enables it all.

RSS & Sitemap

Conform to popular web standards and get RSS and Sitemap generated for you. It helps SEO and improves your site's visibility in the Internet.

Dark mode

Respect your partner's sleep, yet write some content when inspired. We obey to your system's preferences, and use dark/light UI appropriately.